Monday, September 28, 2009

play for two people

Sam Pink's A PLAY FOR TWO PEOPLE from blake butler on Vimeo.

pour a cup of orange juice. google i cheetah: an autobiography. stretch your hamstrings. do something for the first twenty five seconds of lo-fi female mumble. then it hears good.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Receshhh Fun Facto

"The giant squid lives in the depths of the oceans and seas and in the coastal waters around Europe and Canada and they sometimes live in Monterey. There are only three open spaces in the sea with giant squids."
thanks to library thinkquest

Astronaut Secessio

Recession Rumor Mill:
astronauts are planning a massive revolutionary secession this July 4th to "cut out the fat" and begin a recession-free superior space-man race.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cyclops or Siren Conglomerate

never did a cyclops look so good. the one-eyed ms. kelly future clone seemed bothered by our recession-era-sized yacht. her christmas-day posture and siren song tranced our compass toward her caps come nightfall, which ended in me dancing quite foolishly on her right upper quad later that evening after a liter of port and some motion sickness medicine.
i luh u gurl